Parent Category: Rocktabs Archive
PMI Model No. SDLVA-218-60-70MV-CW is a CW immune SDLVA (Successive Detection Log Video Amplifier). It operates from 2.0 to 18.0 GHz and has the ability to interface with a long cable (65 FT), while maintaining high speed, flatness and accuracy. Specifications include frequency flatness: ±2.0 dB Typ, Signal Capability: Pulse (100 ns to 300 µs), Pulse on CW TSS: (-20 ºC to +85 ºC) -66 dBm for 10 MHz Video Bandwidth, Log Dynamic Range -60 dBm to 0 dBm, Log Slope 70 mV/dB nominal, Log Linearity ±1.5 dB Max,Max Input Level: +20 dBm CW, and much more.
Planar Monolithics Industries