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January 2004 — Vol. 3 No. 1

RF Connector Selection for Higher Frequencies Moyher

RF and Microwave Power Amplifier and Transmitter Technologies — Part 5 Raab, Asbeck, Cripps, Kenington, Popovich, Pothecary, Sevic, Sokal

An Integrated I-Q Mixer for Software-Defined Radio Applications Campbell

Improving VCO Phase Noise Performance Through Enhanced Characterization Vye

Editorial: "2004 Uncertainty Makes Most Predictions Impossible" Breed

Technology Report: "Update on Wireless Standards Activity"

Ask the Experts

February 2004 — Vol. 3 No. 2

A Balanced 24-Volt GaAs FET Amplifier for 2.11 to 2.17 GHz — Shumaker

Design of a Wideband Microstrip Antenna for Mobile Handset Applications — Denidi

CMOS Switches Offer High Performance in Low Power, Wideband Applications — Corrigan, Goggin

A Simplified Analysis of the Broadband Transmission Line Transformer — Sevick

Book Review: Practical RF Circuit Design for Modern Wireless Systems, Vols 1 & 2 by Les Besser and Rowan Gilmore — Reviewed by Guillermo Gonzalez

Editorial: "Success Requires Both Knowledge and Experience" — Breed

Technology Report: "Trends and Developments in Measurement Methods and Technologies"

Ask the Experts

March 2004 — Vol. 3 No. 3

Design of a Microstrip Bandpass Filter Using Advanced Numerical Methods — Imparato, Groulx, Matarazzo

Tutorial: What is a "Personal Area Network" (PAN)?

Book Review: High Frequency Techniques by Joseph F. White

Editorial: "Observations on Several Topics That Affect this Industry" — Breed

Technology Report: "Some Recent Developments in RF and MIcrowave Circuit Integration"

Ask the Experts

Cover Story: MMIC Amplifiers add Transient Protection for Rugged Performance

VHDL-AMS Extensions Enable RF Harmonic Balance Simulation — Rencher

Vector Modulator ICs Make it Easy to Control Gain and Phase
One-Box Platform for Bluetooth Design and Production Testing


April 2004 — Vol. 3 No. 4

Linearizing Power Amplifiers Using Digital Predistortion, EDA Tools and Test Hardware —Mekechuk, Kim, Stapletom, Kim

Mismatched Load Characterization for High-Power RF Amplifiers—Brounley

Jitter—Understanding it, Measuring it, Eliminating it, Part 1: Jitter Fundamentals —Hancock

Editorial: "A Look at Some Non-Traditional Applications" —Breed

Technology Report: "A Brief Update on Optical Technology and Applications"

Ask the Experts

Matched High-Efficiency WLAN PA Powers Up 802.11b Reference Designs
Single-Instrument Solution Performs Fast WLAN Testing and Analysis

May 2004 — Vol. 3 No. 5

Jitter—Understanding it, Measuring it,Eliminating it: Part 2: Jitter Measurements —Hancock, Draving

Tutorial—A Review of Key Filter Specifications and What They Mean—Kurzrok

Design Suite Provides Advanced Technology for Analog and RFIC Design—Quan

Matching Networks for Power Amplifiers Operating into High VSWR Loads—Brounley

Performing and Analyzing Pulsed Current-Voltage Measurements—Baylis, Dunleavy

Editorial: "Adapting to Change is One of the Main Keys to Success"— Breed

Technology Report: "A Summary of Recent Actions by the FCC"

Ask the Experts

Coaxial Filters Offer High Pass and Low Pass Characteristics
Tiny Clock Oscillator is Ideal for Handheld Electronic Devices

JUNE 2004 — Vol. 3 No. 6

The RFAL Technique for Cancellation of Distortion in Power Amplifiers—Gutierrez

Jitter–Understanding it, Measuring it, Eliminating it; Part 3: Causes of Jitter—Hancock

Criteria for Selecting RF Power DetectorsGenest, Grand and, Chaoui

TutorialDesign Issues for Direct-Conversion Wireless RadiosBreed

Editorial: Research Brings Great Ideas to the Real World—Breed

TechnologyReport: Some Examples of Current Industry and University High Frequency Research

Ask the Experts

Optical Module Combines NRZ/RZ Converter, Modulator and Driver

JULY 2004 — Vol. 3 No. 7 (July/August)

Load Network Design Techniques for Class E RF and Microwave Power AmplifiersGrebennikov (plus the following additional references)
Exact Time-Domain Analysis of Class E Power Amplifiers with Quarterwave Transmission Line—Grebennikov
Load Network Design Technique for Switched-Mode Tuned Class E Power Amplifiers—Grebennikov

Monolithic GaAs Passive Lowpass 3 dB In-Phase Splitter/Combiner—Campbell and White

TutorialOnline Resources for Understanding Noise and its MeasurementBreed

Editorial: What's All the Noise About?Breed

TechnologyReport: Recent Developments in EMC Standards and Regulations

Ask the Experts

SEPTEMBER 2004 — Vol. 3 No. 8

Design of a Dual-Band Wireless LAN SiGe Bipolar AmplifierBakalski, et al.

Signal Integrity Analysis and Simulation Tools Include IBIS ModelsOlah, Gupta and Chavez-Dagostino

Fundamentals of Power Amplifier Linearization Using Digital Pre-DistortionNezami

TutorialBalanced Circuits: A Review of Their Operation and Behavior

Editorial: We're All Part of a Worldwide Engineering Community

TechnologyReport: Recent News in Semiconductor, Microwave and Optical Materials

Ask the Experts

Phase Lock Detector Synchronizes PLLs and Datacom Systems
Test Set Measures Bit Error Rate from 50 Megabits to 12.5 Gigabits per Second
Simulator Analyzes Signals and Noise in Packages and on P.C. Boards


OCTOBER 2004 — Vol. 3 No. 9

New LDMOS Model Delivers Powerful Transistor LibraryPart 1: The CMC ModelCurtice, Dunleavy, Clausen and Pengelly

Practical Estimation of Losses in Tee Network Antenna Tuning UnitsWheless

A Review of Key Equalizer Specifications and What They MeanKurzrok

TutorialBasic Operation of Optical Detectors

Editorial: Science and Nature: A Welcome Diversion from PoliticsBreed

Technology Report: Digital Signal Processing: Its Ever-Growing Role in Communications

Ask the Experts

New Synthesizers Handle Wide Band, Low Noise Applications
High-Speed ADC Family Achieves Low Power With High Performance

NOVEMBER 2004 — Vol. 3 No. 10

Modified Coaxial Cable Makes Components and Test CircuitsWartenberg

New LDMOS Model Delivers Powerful Transistor LibraryPart 1: The CMC ModelWood, Pengelly, Dunleavy, Clausen, Weller and Emmadi

Design of Broadband Ununs With Impedance Ratios Less Than 1:4

Tutorial—The Basics of Specifying RF and Microwave Connectors

Editorial: Major Changes are Occurring With EDA Software ToolsBreed

Technology Report: Recent Developments in RF Power Device Technology

Ask the Experts



*Note:  High Frequency Electronics
published 10 issues in 2004.

There are no issues for the months
of August and December

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